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07.06. 2019 - ?.08. 2019
Kunstraum am Schauplatz, 
Vienna (AT)

with Allan Villavicencio, Sofia Cruz, Christian Camacho, Lucia Vidales, Juan Caloca, Madeline Jimenez Santil, José Eduardo Barajas, Prras, Sangree, Karla Kaplun, Pablo Cendejas, Matias Solar, Victoire Barbot, Maximiliano León, Ana Segovia, NAAFI, Lilly Pfalzer, Andrew Birk, Alma Saladin & Marco Rountree, Daniel Hüttler, Paloma Contreras Lomas, Israel Urmeer, Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba




pres­ents the work of twen­ty-six ar­tists ba­sed in or as­so­cia­ted with Me­xi­co City for the first time in Vi­en­na.
The show brings a sel­ec­tion of ac­tive agents in the field, from ar­tists to mu­sic coll­ec­ti­ves, to map out the extent of this di­ver­se net­work. Crea­ting
their own struc­tu­res outs­ide of in­siti­tu­tio­na­li­sed for­mats, ar­tists and crea­ti­ves have found that mu­tu­al re­co­gni­ti­on and ge­ne­ra­tio­nal sup­port
are the most ef­fec­tive ways of achie­ving vi­si­bi­li­ty and agen­cy. In a place with a po­la­ri­zed and un­sta­ble so­cio-eco­no­mi­cal base, and du­ring
times of at­ten­ti­on as cur­ren­cy, true co­ope­ra­ti­on ap­pears as the only way that the in­de­pen­dent parts can be­ne­fit from the force of the who­le.

Or­ga­ni­zed by Ma­xi­mi­lia­no León, An­d­rew Birk and Lu­kas Will­mann.

Curated by: Maximiliano León, Co curated by Andrew Birk

Organised by: Maximiliano León, Andrew Birk and Lukas Willmann

'In the last few ye­ars Me­xi­co City has ex­pe­ri­en­ced an in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly
ac­clai­med boom as a re­sult of a mul­ti-fa­ce­ted net of fac­tors. Ba­lan­cing
a de­li­ca­te equi­li­bri­um of safe­ty for outs­iders, and a vio­lent­ly cor­rupt
rea­li­ty, the mega city is on its way of be­co­m­ing a world ca­pi­tal for
cul­tu­re and tou­rism, mir­ro­ring suc­cess­ful ca­pi­ta­list mo­dels but -
li­te­r­al­ly - built on shaky ground.
In­te­gra­ting the aff­lu­ence and in­flu­ence of in­ter­na­tio­na­lism through the
wa­ves of ar­tists and young pro­fes­sio­nals floa­ting in and out of Me­xi­co
as one very spe­ci­fic type of glo­bal tou­rism, the crea­ti­ve sce­ne in the
city looks very dif­fe­rent now than it did in the 90s. The ques­ti­on is,
how does a par­ti­cu­lar idio­syn­cra­sy sur­vi­ve pro­ces­ses of exo­ti­ciza­t­i­on in
the mar­ket of iden­ti­ties, whi­le thri­ving in a world of new de­man­ds?'

Sira Pizá Airas

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